
Mobile Malware: Up 614% in the Last Year

In 2011, people were worried because malware that infected cellphones was up 155%. Now, from March 2012 to March 2013, it’s up ...

Barnes & Noble Shifting Production of Nook to Third Party

Nook users, you’re about to be an endangered species. A few days ago, Barnes & Noble, one of the last remaining book ...

Leap Motion Makes Its Developer Portal Public This Week

Though Leap Motion, an innovative gesture control system for the computer, doesn’t launch until July 22nd, it’s been all the buzz ...

Facebook Bug Exposes Private Contact Information of Over Six Million Users

Facebook had a hiccup – and it cost 6 million of its users some their private information. The contact information exposed ...

Looking to Buy a Tablet? Choose the Right One by Following These Tips

With the mobile industry growing each and every day, it makes sense that you’re looking to see if you might be ...

iOS Version of Facebook Gets Emoticons and Additional Updates

Facebook has been working hard on the mobile version of their website for all platforms, but the iPhone version has made ...

Adobe Has Lukewarm Response to Creative Cloud Subscription Only, Profits Rise Regardless

Last month, Adobe made the decision to make their new Creative Suite subscription only. While initial response was good, those who ...

Easy, Affordable Ways to Show Customers They Matter

A big-business budget isn’t necessary to make your customers feel good about being your clients, and making them feel this way ...

New 3D Printer Section on Amazon Begins to Grow

You know when Amazon does it, it means big things – and Amazon has just debuted a 3D printer section that ...

Google Offers Larger Sum of Money for Reporting Significant Bugs

Google has always offered cash to those who report vulnerabilities and bugs that could result in an exploitation of a Google ...